ISSUE 19 available irl now!
… and so much more
PULP focuses on engaging, niche, and novel stories from Gadigal land and beyond.
My problem is not with staying informed. I am asking you to consider who you pay your attention-currency to. Traditional mass media and public service media are years behind the quality and reach of online-only news outlets like The Daily Aus or Impact. Being aware of world issues has shifted from an expectation to a strange, gatekept knowledge-club.
“It's like you’ve entered another world, transported through the looking glass, except it was a funhouse mirror and you’ve just joined the circus.”
“Sometimes I worry that I'm him. But I’m not really. I’ve mastered authenticity. So have you. Well, maybe you don’t like this person because they’re kind of fake. This poser has fooled everyone into thinking they’re genuine. Isn’t that unfair?”
“Exile is ultimately what a gaoler calls freedom, and we are far too often our own prisoners.”
“To situate myself within the vast, exhilarating, and exotic waves of this grand tourist city was to engage in a mercurial pursuit — a perilous, ambiguous dance.”
What makes a space?
“Just like anyone else with a Pinterest board dedicated to vintage furniture, Levy’s mental exercise resonated with me. But I am an inheritor of a different world.”
“it’s unlikely you’ll be performing another Boiler Room set with an infant. So likely yes. Charli sees her life branching out before her, ripe with opportunity.”
“To say, “this is a cigarette ad”, in the same way I can say, “this is a pillow”, or “this is a bookmark”. But isn’t summing it up reductive?”
These men are vulnerable, honest, and embarrassed. Hot, hot, and hot. We want them to be a little nervous, a little objectified. They don’t want us looking at them! It’s fun, right? And really, after all the money for acting school or the Trinity College drama course, surely, they should’ve expected this?
your eyes wander to their new leaves
curling at the sky -
110 emblazoned to the left of the screen,
you search for truth in their cycles but
Ever wonder what you might find in what is left behind?
“Some glean because they have been left no choice, others have sought out the gleaning lifestyle to participate ethically in society.”
Ondine Karpinellison sifts through the weeds.
Pasolini cleverly subverts the cinematic techniques of excitement to be in service of pure horror.
While male athletic achievement is an aesthetic ideal immortalised in the Hellenistic visions of Greek sculpture up to the fake-tanned contorted bodies of bodybuilders, female athleticism is an object of horror.”
I sit cross-legged before the mirror yet again. What do I see? I see a face. Is it me, or some Other?”
This is not a call for a return to the divine or the premodern, we only aim to contrast what was once common sense with what has now become radical.
Criticism falls short in the digital-age because our reality has become delusion.
“The Corsicans want to see clearly. Freedom must walk by the torch of philosophy. Won't they say that we fear the light?"
Greyness is everywhere. Greyness is both vernacular and pedigreed.
Our eyes can only see so much, and they see cities very poorly.
If androids come about, what will they do, and I guess, more pertinently to our human future, what will we do?
In the mystical worlds of science fiction, the past may be our only tool for understanding the future.
Is your favourite food authentic? Does your favourite restaurant serve authentic food? Could you be authentic food?
Instagram handles are the new frontier; a form of advertising yourself; an iconic tag; a brand.
These threads remember the life and the fight of the people forever.
A transparent exchange afforded by three consenting partners: cash, broker, and consumer.
“You could be so so much MORE”, I scream internally as I get a horrifically stale Krispy Kreme for $13.
The Diva has captured the hearts, minds and the undying fidelity of the Homosexual for time immemorial.
This scandal has everything: mercury poisoning, stabbings, roofies, gun fights, bribes, duels, hair care, glassmaking…
And on the walls of the club bathrooms that night, I found splinters of you.
Clothing is my means of connection, both to myself and the world around me.
“There is a visual dissonance in this piece; amongst the pandemonium lies quiet order.”
“I’m never aware of the full picture, only vague figures, shapes, and colours remain. Countless moments pass by me, blurring and distorting themselves from realistic form.”
“With each card played, the hands dealt are stained with blood.”
“With our fingers progressively morphing into letter keys with every digital exchange encountered, there is also an opportunity and a drive to ‘opt out’, play, and discover new ways of approaching traditional formal constructs of design.”
“I chose to replicate AI generated images because I wanted a translation of the human spirit to crack through the endless multitudes of soulless images online in the most ridiculous way possible.”
Both eerie and peaceful, the final room is shrouded in a velvety green amongst which his final paintings whisper rumours of Magritte's transformation. At this point, one cannot help but think back to the self-portrait that greeted them, now at odds with the viscerality of The happy donor and Man and the forest.
As soon as you enter the space, you find that the dialectic of light and darkness is already at play. Then begins the piano, and notes that echo cavernously, consuming the space. In a haunting, projecting boom, Alice Smith begins vocalizing the words, “once again…”
“I reckon if I picked flowers the star power sucked from the ground like a naughty talisman — maybe the PH of the soil is altered by the amount of celebritydom decomposing, would my hydrangeas blush prudent pink?”
“The plastic woven red-white-blue bag (红白蓝袋子) has become symbolic of resilience and hardship due to its utilitarian durability and working-class associations in Southern China, Hong Kong, and in countries like Ghana and Nigeria.”
“Yet when the pixel becomes distinct, and elementary, it distorts the image, breaking it down to its most rudimentary composition of shapes and colors.”
The Vietnamese lottery ticket — unafraid of maximalist tackiness, beautiful and gauche.
An exploration of the idea of ‘business as usual’ whilst global sea levels rise.
Using design as a storytelling medium, the boundless range of feminine beauty becomes an infinite wellspring of inspiration.
Investigating alternative recycling processes outside of the mainstream infrastructure.
A practice of subconscious composition, aiming to create pieces without planning or sketch work.
Experimentations with the art of scanning.
“Damn, Earth is Craaaaazy.”
“Pondicherry possessed a preserved Eurocentric sense of relaxation that one can only imagine; harkens back to its colonial roots when the town served as a haven for French settlers seeking respite.”
“A day in the life of a wannabe animator.”
“So when all that is left of me is love / give me away.”
“I will take her to my favourite cafe and order alternative milks.”
Backstage at Deathwatch, I felt a rearticulation beginning in the vocabularies of everyone there.
Our eyes can only see so much, and they see cities very poorly.
To be in and represent a female body in the early twenty-first century is to explore the beautiful and discarded, and tell one's story through new forms.
Achieving strong liminality is like landing a coin on its edge: a difficult feat but the effect is impossible to substitute.
At the bottom line, salute rejected the pretension that seems to dominate much commercial dance music (read: the uninspired spoken word poetry of Fred Again). Eschewing these pseudo-philosophies of house heavy hitters, at the heart of TRUE MAGIC is a magical world of nostalgia, joy, and most of all, good old fun. Not only a testament to the varied influences upon salute’s signature sound, but the many influences that shape our first encounters with dance music.
Laneway 2025 was a refreshing return to normality for Australian music festivals. It featured a balanced and loveable lineup of fan favourites and internet sensations but was let down by its administration and infrastructure. Its artists provided fantastic and memorable performances that resonated but its vibes were either hamstrung by technical difficulties or over-police and surveillance
She is a breeze of fresh air in industry, but her eclectic and abnormal production continues to divide her from mainstream structured pop music.
Improvisation is the act of conjuring for the instant, an adventure in entropy.
Today, winged eyeliner and black double grommet belts seem enough to constitute belonging, with “goth” and “punk” being thrown around in place of “emo”.
In conversation with Kim Jimin of Meaningful Stone — on 90’s rock bands, surfing and the spiritual power of the universal subconscious.
Music has always found mysterious ways of permeating borders, from sea-faring music boxes containing fragments of exotic sounds to Soundcloud links proliferated online.
Why my favourite Elton John songs are filled with queer sex and prostitutes.
“Every time I listen to music, I always get a vision of what the music video will look like, you know? [When] I make my own music, I always have ideas of how the atmosphere or vibes of the song could be extended by the visuals itself.”
‘The Spare Keys’ in Make Love, Not Instruments take you by the hand on a vocal journey, sonically stunning with a rich setlist of showtunes, mid-century love songs and modern belters.
I walked slowly into the crowd, a sea of five hundred poised to learn something about music, life, religion thought impossible.
Nothing is ever truly final, and much like music, is forever-changing again and again
Like a fingerprint, no cheer soundtrack is like any other.
You don’t have to dive very far into a contemporary indie playlist to be bombarded by ambiguous, often poor quality album covers, drawn from artists’ own family archives.
In times of hopelessness and despair, the glittering beats of disco never seem too far behind.
With their shaggy hair and electric sound, the quartet seemed like a relic from the 1970s rock scene blended with 21st century anxieties.
Though it’s gone through periods of both mainstream success as well as being on the fringes, mashups have exploded in online popularity in recent years.
Themes of loneliness, heartbreak, and loss are commonplace, but for some reason they felt more sorrowful and melancholic than their English-language counterparts.
The Dunedin Sound represented the undervalued cultural vibrancy of a remote yet sublime city.
From the virtual shores of TikTok to the underground spaces of Sydney, riot grrrl has evolved into something new.
“These bands kind of operate in these houses. They play live shows in basements, they don’t play at bars.”
A queer and Black history of white background music videos.
Dark Mofo felt tired, pretentiously pretentious, and oppressively Melbournian.
“Nicola Jane "Nikki" Groarke (born 2 June 1962) [1] is a British Anglican priest. Since 2014, she has served as the Archdeacon of Dudley. She trained for ministry at Ridley Hall, Cambridge, and was literally ordained in 2000 Blah blasbhdbfgkjrmfds ugh boring.”
“As you pass from this world to the next, tátay tells me to prepare the table for the alay (offering). Candles are lit, coconut husks and incense sticks are burnt. The room is filled with cries and songs, some of sadness, others of joy.”
Eko Bautista venerates
“To understand Indian vegetarianism as non-violent is unequivocally false”
Christopher Kane and Mihir Sardana deconstruct vegetarian food.
What's so important about a morning brew?
“Everyday, as the sun rises, we sip our kaapis next to each other.”
Aishwarya Sai concocts.
Ever wonder what you might find in what is left behind?
“Some glean because they have been left no choice, others have sought out the gleaning lifestyle to participate ethically in society.”
Ondine Karpinellison sifts through the weeds.
Should we stop stuffing food in our typeface?
“The machine demands that typefaces be utilitarian; precise in their sharpness and uniformity. It demands the same of the food we eat: perfect and primed, glossy and crunchy.
Miles Hiroshi Huynh sends it back. @mileshiroshi
What do we really want in the pursuit of optimization?
I think it’s an important relationship, and it’s how I got into coffee, but I don’t think we run the same way as a regular barista…You’re in my space, and I’m going put on a show for you”
Hugo Anthony Hay and China Meldrum spill the beans with Sebastian Cincotta.
Reuniting nations, one meal at a time
"We sit together and drink rakija, watching on as burly Balkan men with names like Bogdan, Branko and Borislav waddle in and share the space with us”
Luke Mešterović reunifies. @luke.mesterovic
There’s an almost irreconcilable discord between the Sydney coffee culture projected by mainstream food publications and the realities of most Sydneysiders.
The Chinese campus canteen is an overlooked institution, providing sustenance and representing the deep-rooted tradition of communal eating.
There is perhaps one thing that unites every Australian town — an institution that has been embedded in our national story since the 18th century: the Australian-Chinese restaurant.
There is something unpretentious and humble about the Asian bakery.
A microwave lasagne made me want to cry
This mouth-watering seasoning is the missing answer to many food crises.
Although Australia’s natural landscape has been decimated by concrete and industry since colonisation, if you know where to look, the city remains a rich supermarket of edible delights.
The choctop shift can be tranquil, humbling, and quietly frustrating.
Restaurants come and go, seamlessly replacing the previous business’ facade with new signage and unique branding.
Merivale possesses a discreet chokehold on Sydney’s hospitality industry.
Celebrate a special occasion with a dear friend or loved one with this decadent recipe for how to cook everyone’s favourite semi-aquatic, denim-rocking invertebrate.
Sydney is chock-a-block full of small bars: rooftop bars, basement bars, dive bars and pubs.
Pasolini cleverly subverts the cinematic techniques of excitement to be in service of pure horror.
Art, in its purest sense, is to create, while policing, is to destroy.
Suspended between death and life, the vampire occupies a liminal space wherein typical boundaries can be blurred.
Business is business, what else are you supposed to do?
Unlike Vampira and Elvira, Morticia is a wife and mother, but it goes without saying that she represents much more than that. She wants it all, and refreshingly, she never asks why she shouldn’t have it.
Urich’s soulful connection with the documentary as well as the subject matter is one that is felt palpably.
I felt cheated by an experience that capitalised on Murakami’s name and a trailer that hinted at his many stories, but had very little to do with the collection itself.
Haghighi, all-round artist of acting, writing, and directing origins, leads Subtraction with direction reminiscent of Iranian greats.
Set in the outer suburbs of Melbourne, this film acts as an enticing representation and characterisation of coming out in a society where homophobia has become socialised.
Oakley’s directing is subtle and effective, with clever use of sound and lighting to contrast the two major settings at Jean’s school and the nightclub, which are the symbolic fronts of the heteronormative and queer environments that she arbitrates between.
I knew two things about the film going in: a) Harris Dickinson was in it and b) it was going to make me cry. Those two things turned out to be true.
Redmon and Sabin masterfully balance gravity and levity in what might be the funniest documentary I have ever seen.
Set in circumstances of perpetual domestic conflict: Rape, betrayal, and family violence continually oscillate between each other, creating a profound sense of unease.
In No Bears, we are just as much aware that we are watching a film as we are of the action taking place. With knowledge of Panahi’s context, every shot feels dangerous, and you're constantly left wondering how he made it.
A symbol of undying beauty, the sari is not a temporal phenomenon.
Camcorders are in a renaissance.
After all, if there’s one thing that the left loves to do, it’s making sure that no one is allowed to enjoy a film from 15 years ago.
51 years after its release, The Devils remains Warner Bros.’ dirty little secret, so how did one of its characters end up in a Looney Toons movie?
The Italian Film Festival returned this year with a bang!
These more theatrical elements bridged old and new storytelling techniques, and also provided a reason for people to go to the cinema.
They wade through flooded towns in gas masks and hazmat suits, unable to breath in the toxic miasma of a sepia-toned world.
Carrie’s inner-city brownstone becomes a two-room inner west studio, and her rent increases so rapidly she must sell out to Newscorp to keep up
Eye contact, physical affection and double entendre have collectively formed a shared culture of ‘reading the room’.
I never wanted those dim lights to rise.
Phyllia Lloyd’s Mamma Mia (2008) is a 108 minute slice of feminist paradise.
There’s something so magnificently anarchic about vegetables issuing advice through musical scripture sequences.
Carla Simón’s presentiments of loss and modernisation in Alcarràs
So here I am, pussy out in the kitchen at 11:47pm, my left knee aching (I’d squat down too fast), and I am trying my luck with the back-of the fridge container.
Inner-West Ennui
“Above came the rumble-tumble of trains, whines of whistles, the frantic blaring of approaching horns. From below the roars of old buses and the pop of a Porsche or broken-down Ford. A man in a green down jacket, young with spiky black hair, hurried through the soup of neon and sunset.”
Nicholas Osiowy wanders.
With all the furniture removed, the house looked tired.
“You cannot dispel the song from your mind, it plays and plays on repeat.”
“Pondicherry possessed a preserved Eurocentric sense of relaxation that one can only imagine; harkens back to its colonial roots when the town served as a haven for French settlers seeking respite.”
The Chinese campus canteen is an overlooked institution, providing sustenance and representing the deep-rooted tradition of communal eating.
There is perhaps one thing that unites every Australian town — an institution that has been embedded in our national story since the 18th century: the Australian-Chinese restaurant.
There is something unpretentious and humble about the Asian bakery.
In displaying that aspect of my identity as a funny spectacle, the chuckles I’d hear echoed discordantly within it, as I felt like I genuinely didn’t know enough about what I was talking about.
Holding a large pinwheel lollipop in his left hand, he ran his, undoubtedly sticky, other one along the shelves, displacing and muddling the displays.
What did the ghouls of King Street want from me?
Geelong City is convinced that Geelong-Korea will attract baseball fans to the region.
What I found far more interesting was the interesting nexus of community that this place attracted.
Growing up with other Muslim girls in the community, and learning about our religion, bred a strong sense of sisterhood and cultural awareness that has stayed with me.
Recording a city can go beyond your standard photos of landmark buildings.
The Marais has much more to it and reveals itself as accommodating to a reformulated idea of Paris’ inhabitants.
The days in the shop go by faster as they watch students and passer-by's walk along the thoroughfare.
There’s something in the air at Disney World Florida.
A liveable city breathes and doesn’t just survive — this is achieved through the fusion of art and its people.
A former military base, it suffered urban decay before it was embraced by a group of anarchists who made it their own.
An illusory aspect of the Fisher Road Store, and mixed business stores in general, had always been its decoration.
The construction site immediately became a constant in my life.
A reflection on the Botanic Gardens; or, my little childhood park.
This photo series questions what will happen to the thing that makes up the very essence of the bar: the walls.
A secret war is being waged on campus. In, around, and upon the very buildings we use everyday.
Headquarters, lodging, and museum all hide modestly on the Redfern Run. Dressed in camouflage, they escape the ocular frisk of students rushing to Abercrombie.
“Just one insecure species trying to get an A+ at intergalactic show and tell. For as long as we can remember we’ve been left home alone and God we just wish our neighbours would drop by with some food and a hug.”
“Spots signify a pure kind of repulsive nothing [ ]. Possessing a type of purity that cannot be subsumed by any desire.”
“Last night I occupied the bathroom and its blue fluorescence, soaking it up like a greedy phantom. My reflection taunted me in this harsh light.”
“Sometimes I wish I had a million followers. I want people to listen to the songs I post. To think about the lyrics and how they might relate to me. Relate to me!!! So I can figure out who I am.”
“Even this eternity will meet its end, and the world shall wait For another, and another, and another. The end is forever.”
“Etched in the fading hues and worn paths of ancient roads,
Marking the passage to memory's embrace.”
And also you can’t read minds
As in I caught you!
And your psychic violence
Although I gave you these powers too
Your actual ones are far richer
“The answer is you and I, it always is. In that sea of dust, there was nothing. Quiet, not a wave, not a sound. In that flat endless world, a soft and gentle breeze started to blow.”
We share the same affliction, him and I.
Tell me your pretty name so I might write you a portrait.
With all the furniture removed, the house looked tired.
No hour shall be forgotten
And no sinner shall weep.
“You cannot dispel the song from your mind, it plays and plays on repeat.”
I don’t want one thousand words | Screaming at a black hole.
Somehow, by some act of God or the Devil or someone between, his dog has been transfigured into a block of cheese.
A love letter in soil-loving solidarity.
To be human, is to be a supermarket stroller.
A split requires the relinquishing of self to another and for another.
How happy I would be
To be a prisoner
Of another skin.
half of me belongs squatting on plastic stools
I ate oranges and didn’t know they tasted like sunset from Castle Hill.
It exists within another.
Every life spread out, mine parallel to yours parallel to everyone else’s.
You move through the grain of closed eyes, calling through the undergrowth of my body.
We seem to think that our place on the spectrum between divinity and mayhem comes down to how loved we are.
One by one, friends gloved their hands and got to work; my ridged, lumpy canvas morphing and shifting, follicles taking on new forms every fortnight.
people watching. i peer ruthlessly from behind my darkened eyes. observing and absorbing like film.
“Move over Club Penguin, there’s a new horrifically laggy, slightly problematic, bug-riddled, deeply iconic flash game to crash your parents' 2012 HP Spectre on.”
“I now sported my shiny new Bakiez management badge, and became the perfect power-tripping 12 year old, telling off all the other inferior 12 year olds. I was no longer the trainee, I was the trainer.”
As August appears every year, so does a discrete package at the footstep of my family home.
I mean it. Honestly.
Want an alternative to those dreadful Dendy straws?
Become the fairest of them all with 1355’s biggest summer trends.
APRA has committed $16 million dollars to ensure the safety of the deposits of over 800,000 school children.
Who hasn’t blocked off the exits when there’s a fire? Or built a single room, one by one square metre walls on each side, with no light or nourishment? It was only a game.
The SCP Foundation is perhaps the largest and longest running community writing project of all time.
Others are still traumatised by a remote to the eye during a tense game of bowling.
Introducing the brand new SUSF sports wagering app: SUSFor the Win!
If you’re really committed to Sydney joining the prestigious ranks of the six ‘Majors’, there must be a radical route change.
Instead of writhing around online at home, you just may be the epitome of health and wellness.
A late-night Maccas feed is an indispensable part of the uni experience, a rite of passage for all: stoned, sober, and everything else in-between.
A Yoghurt’s recipe contains infinite, heretofore unfathomable alternate dimensions.
What I have described has been, in many ways, a coming-of-age. Or perhaps more appropriately, my ‘cumming-of-age’.
It ain’t quite a list, it ain’t quite an article, it’s a listicle!
It ain’t moss, it ain’t algae, it’s LICHEN!
With this handy guide, you won’t miss out on all the activities and events on offer.
“It should be just as easy for seniors to renew their license, share extremist content, or procure a hired gun as it is for anyone else.”
The woke, cancel culture mob has raised their torches to the heels of an icon and incinerated it beyond recognition.
I have risen from the dead to see how the human psyche has been tracking.
Staring down at the paper, what stared back was eerily similar to her own life.
Their battleground? The city’s most popular nightclub venues.
What I didn’t expect was the special connection that was formed between the two of us that fateful evening.
The heroine on Mark Gong’s runway can be a hopeless romantic drunk on love and equally capable of madly despairing.
Curiouser and curiouser… the Maries wander into a world of romance, frolic, and absurdity.
Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy exists in the accolades as an it-girl.
These threads remember the life and the fight of the people forever.
To me, female friendship is getting ready for a night out, gossiping and laughing until your belly hurts, being your most vulnerable self, as you would be with a sister, or a mother.
Clothing is my means of connection, both to myself and the world around me.
Just as we can examine how society’s obsession with certain individuals indicates ever-changing and ever-dying social and political values, so can our study of a seemingly trivial and meaningless trend.
As the seasons falter in their usual rhythm, our closets become a reflection of this chaotic dance between Winter and Summer.
Fashion and makeup becomes a second skin, taken from all desires and interests, shaping the individual.
As I return to my study, I see the pile of unsewn pieces, and decide that I will sew this weekend.
Somewhere, somehow, and for some strange reason, my beloved boot was wife-swapped, sole-swapped, or otherwise stolen.
Stripped of football loyalty, a jersey is reduced to strips of polyester panelling.
Heavily manicured y2k long nail extensions are juxtaposed with a basketball to celebrate the girls slaying in sports.
A symbol of undying beauty, the sari is not a temporal phenomenon.
Exploring my complicated relationship with the tote bag: a symbol of the modern intellectual elite.
Unravelling the mysteries of the graphic tee.
I am obsessed with the extremes: the extreme of glamour, erotica, and beauty.
The clown bridges ordinary people of the world with the world of fantasy.
A reclamation of restrictive childhood and adolescent environments, 'Suburban Alien' urges viewers to live within their own worlds.
From mirrors to dick size, the collection looks to unpack the unspoken codes of the space.
In exploring these intimate spaces, the innermost feelings of their residents are revealed.
Is this our path to Sustainability?
Nothing is what it seems, as a sense of discomfort and instability pervades.
The apocalypse is coming, and it's time to dress the part!
Your Editors
Hugo Anthony Hay | Senior Editor | he/they
Tn Wearer, Hoe Scarer

China Meldrum | Editor/Videographer | They/Them
accidentally huffed fumes in the graffiti tunnel and saw god

Joan de la Kagsawa | Editor | she/her
patron saint of the worldwide latina belt

Kelly Caviedi | Designer | she/her
trinketmaxxing ^_^

Ashray Kumar | Designer | he/him
fairy floss and brutalism enthusiast

Bipasha Chakraborty | Editor/Designer | she/they
born to fart, forced to keep it in…
Got ideas? Come and tell us…
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Office hours: Monday and Wednesday, 10 - 4
Print issues of PULP are completely free and can be found at USU outlets all around the University of Sydney. Issues hit stands roughly once a month during semester, with specific dates announced on our socials and website.
Pick up a copy at the following locations:
Holme: Science Rd entrance and Courtyard Cafe
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Wentworth: Wentworth food court and International Student Lounge
Abercrombie: Abercrombie Terrace
Peter Nicol Russell: Love BUDS Grill
Conservatorium of Music: Conservatorium Library