Pluck me baby

Tell me your pretty name so I might write you a portrait. 

Image Credits: Soleil Mistry

Throwing petals off the balcony 

As I go round and round 

I like to see them whip through the breeze

Trace the pictures they draw 

And it gives me something to divine meaning from 

Or imbue meaning into 

Tell me your pretty name so I might write you a portrait 

And it’ll keep me sweet and dizzy and young 

Til the new moon comes blankly swinging

And I’ll twirl round and round til my mouth is full 

Cos movement draws the eye draws us closer

Peeling petals apart 

Big gulps so I’m clean and eager over again 

Until you’re good and happy 

Play a song so I might dance to it 

Play a game so I might forfeit 

Here’s another funny story I say

I say here’s another joke

And peals of laughter curl round my shoulders 

Harden on my cheeks 

Wet my stomach 

My name tickles the dark of your mouth 

It swims in my ears through the honey-night 

Oh, let me be the dummy 

And I’ll teach you how to smoke 

Show you all the bits you wanna see 

Draw a bath of candle wax so we might play in it 

Grow old and stiff and gentle 

Play guitar so I might sing 

Just play something

Funny faces in the black sky

I’m a carcass of fire 

I wanna course through you like a virus 

So you’ll want another turn again and again

And I’m feverish waiting 

Sewing petals into picture frames 

I’m fucking pulling out my hair 

But you can’t touch me 

Cos I’m in love.