Luke Brown

A practice of subconscious composition, aiming to create pieces without planning or sketch work.

Luke Brown is a mixed-media artist. He currently works in the film industry as a mould-maker at a Marrickville creature effects studio. In the time he can get away from the job, he works primarily with ink, gouache and linocut. Often in his art, he also incorporates felt marker, correction fluid, and other materials that draw on salad days of tagging school walls and maths textbooks. Luke employs a practice of subconscious composition, aiming to create pieces without planning or sketch work.

When he’s not painting, drawing, and printing, you can find him lounging on a vinyl lawn chair, enjoying a Coopers Green while getting his tan on.  

Work titles

1: Tree Blender

2: Poach Egg

3: Centaur murderer

4: Breaking News

5: Central Light

6: Big Smoke