This Is Your Courtyard Order Based on Your Star Sign
By Nina Mountford
We all know and love Courtyard Restaurant and Bar. Not only is it home to iconic pizza and summer Pimms, it’s the hotspot for student socialisation on campus. Everyone has their favourite courtyard order and this astrology binch is about to guess yours. This is your Courtyard order based on your star sign. Prove me wrong, I dare you!
Aries, you know you don’t need more caffeine and you’ll probably spill whatever drink you order on yourself anyway. Even so, you just can’t get past a trusty iced latte. It’s common but it’s good! And you can’t help but feel like a bad binch when you walk into your next class with your iced coffee and fruit salad pairing. You do you Aries!
Aries what are you literally doing…
Taurus, you already know you’re stubborn but you don’t care what people think. You know the best order is a margarita pizza and a double espresso and nobody can convince you otherwise. This is all you order and all you ever will.
Cancer, you know that you deserve to be treated, uni can be so hard sometimes! You’ll pick a yummy brownie and an iced chocolate on the days where you just need a little motivation to get through, which is basically every day, you emotional water sign!
Gemini, you’re the one to get an iced long black and insist it’s not basic because it’s not a regular iced latte. You might even get the Vegan pizza - fake meat is controversial even among vegans but idk maybe you’re just not like other girls.
“Can I get a half pepperoni pizza with the side salad. Actually forget the salad” - Gemini
Leo, you’re the life of the party and you know it, you’re not afraid to get started early so it’s a Pimms for you. Got class later? Not a problem! You’re always the centre of attention anyway, what's a little extra umph? You’ll buy a pizza, eat a slice then give the rest to all your adoring fans before heading off to your next event.
Virgo, you’re a sucker for a classic flat white and a veggie toastie. You want to try other things but why change when your usual is just so good? Good thing you always get to uni an hour early because those toasties run out so fast! But remember not to drink too much caffeine, you’re jittery enough!
Libra, you’re so indecisive it probably doesn’t matter what you finally decide to order because you’ll change your mind as soon as you walk up to Barbra! You’ll probably buy a garden salad and a green juice trying to be healthy then just steal some of your friend’s pizza when they’re not looking.
Libra trying to order something like…
Scorpio, you’re ordering a long black and that’s it. Everyone in your lecture needs to know you mean business, they’ll be successfully scared off but actually you’re looking longingly at the hot chocolates and all those pastries… you’d kill to be a little kid again and order a pink doughnut.
“No time for milk!” - Scorpio (2019)
Sagittarius, It’s the start of a new semester and you’re probably already overcommitted. You’ve got no time: there’s classes and meetings to attend, shows to see and societies to be a part of! You need caffeine and fast. It’s an iced mocha and a muffin for you, because no matter how busy you are you’ll always have time for chocolate.
Capricorn, you’ve tried everything on the menu and concluded that the best order is definitely a cappuccino and the smashed avo w/ eggs on the breakfast menu. You’re up so early in the morning, ready for the day that you regularly make that 10:30am breakfast cutoff but if you do come in later, you bet you’re eyeing up that mac and cheese.
Aquarius, you let your soul decide in the moment, if there’s something new on the menu you bet you’re going to try it. You’ve had some weird shit in the past but figured out your favourite combo: a hot pot of chai and chicken and dried tomato pizza.
Pisces, you’re short and hungry most of the time, don’t try to deny it! You need food NOW there’s no time for ordering off the menu for you it’s the filling pumpkin risotto pasta special for you and a soy chai latte! If you drank coffee, you’d probably be the one to say “don’t talk to me before I’ve had my coffee” to anyone that’d listen, but ever since you cut out caffeine two weeks ago your life has changed. Good for you!
Pisces returning to the Courtyard counter for the 4th time of the day like…