David (ZiYan) Zhu: candidate profile and interview

Pulp sits down with the USU Board hopefuls.  

Faction: Independent 

Slogan: David Delivers

Colour: Purple 

Manager: Zara Paleologos

Degree: Economics/Law III

Quiz score: 84%, 3rd out of 10 

Zhu is a confident and composed candidate who scored 84% in the Pulp quiz, demonstrating a well-rounded knowledge of USyd, the USU and campus life. Zhu is running because he has the “experience, skills, policies and vision to… bring us back to the good old days and make it even better”. 

Whilst he is vice-president of the Sydney University Liberal Club, Zhu stands firm on his stance as an Independent candidate, stating that “you can’t have the interests of the student body accurately represented by a very narrow set of campus stupol factional interests”. In saying that, Zhu proposes there is some room for political stances on the board, such as by fighting against 12 week semesters. 

Zhu firmly condemns the ableism of CathSoc’s LifeWeek discussion prompts and says that whilst he supports freedom of speech, “at the point at which you are a club and society that falls under the banner of the USU… then you have to do things in a way that aligns with the core values and missions of the USU”.

Zhu’s most important policies include revising the funding structure for clubs and societies to ensure they receive the “funding [they] need no matter how big or small the club or society is”, fighting for student welfare and representation and promoting a diverse and sustainable campus. When asked about what a diversity initiative would look like, Zhu says that he supports maintaining autonomous spaces on campus with more funding, initiatives for International students grappling with remote learning and bringing College students “into the fold” of the USU. 

In discussing his plan for a covid-19 recovery, Zhu says that he wants to “go hard or go home” with the funding of clubs and societies and to offer as little as restraint as possible to any of their events. His biggest criticism of the USU is that they didn’t offer enough communication “on the ground”, proposing directors, executive members and presidents would need to “make more of an effort” to meet with clubs and societies and engage with regular students during Welcome Week. Time will tell how well Zhu will be able to act on such criticisms himself if elected to board.

Zhu’s thoughts about who he would most and least like to work with on the board are carefully articulated. He states he would most like to work with Jiâng, Du and Bhar [now not running]. He has avoided cutting any ties with other candidates too soon though by stating that he would least like to work with Fidler - based on the fact that he is running on a joke campaign. Considering his ties to SULC and friendship with current Director, Ben Hines, Zhu unsurprisingly “wouldn’t mind seeing him [Hines] in the big chair” of the 2021/22 presidency. 

Voting opens 9:00am May 17 and closes 5:00pm May 21. Voting is exclusive to USU members, who will be sent an email to submit their vote. Sign up here.

Watch the full interview below.

Article by Emily Graetz.

Pulp Editors