PULP RANKED: The Top 10 Most Cooked Politicians in NSW State Parliament
By Dominic Causley Todd
Because we’re losing all our readers to buzzfeed and apparently there is an election soon, here’s the top 10 most cooked units in State Parliament.
10. David Clarke MP (Liberal)
This is as close to a catholic extremist as you will find. Mr Clarke has gone on record saying that he will try to bring Christian values to parliament with a “missionary zeal”. He has also advocated against the separation of church and state and believes that all of our laws including marriage, age of consent, abortion and euthanasia should all be based on Catholic ideals. Oh he was also the primary supporter of a literal Nazi, Lyenko Urbanchich.
Image Source: ABC
9. Glenn Brookes MP (Liberal)
It is unlawful for members of parliament to make payments to their re-election campaign. The Hon. Member for East Hills seems to have forgotten this and used a bit of his spare change to get himself re-elected, $130,000 of spare change to be exact. He also used that $130,000 to run a smear campaign claiming his opponent, who had worked for NSW civil Liberties council, was a “Paedophile Lover” and had that plastered all over his opponents posters.
Image Source: Glenn Brookes
8. Robert Borsak MP (Shooters and Fishers)
The first ever shooters and fisher member of State Parliament definitely lives up to the hype. Robbie Borsak heads up their campaign to allow gun licenses for children as young as ten. That’s where this bloke is at.
Image Source: Robert Borsak
7. Tanya Davies MP (Liberal)
Tanya Davies is the minister for Women yet goes out of her way to disadvantage them. She openly criticised members of her own party for calling out sexism in NSW politics and more recently voted against allowing 150m safe zones around abortion clinics. And no, it wasn’t because she wanted them to be larger.
Image Source: Tanya Davies
6. Andrew Fraser MP (National Party)
This man has a fiery passion for politics. So much so that he strangled then Minister for Transport Joe Tripodi during a debate about road development. That could be dismissed as being really invested in the infrastructural development of our state, but the fact that he was engaged in a blue with Katrina Hodgkinson over a rather non-political matter lends one to believe that he might just be a violent bloke.
Image Source: Andrew Fraser
5. Stuart Ayres MP (Liberal)
The Member for Penrith is one of the most significant members of the current government. Not only is he the Minister for Western Sydney, but also Minister for Sport and Minister for WestConnex. That’s a lot on one man’s plate, and it must be overwhelming because he seemingly forgot that he had serious financial investments in a $27 million Sydney property. It’s also an explanation why his WestConnex plan is several hundred thousand dollars over budget and years behind schedule. It is also his idea to make the public pay for a $740 million new stadium.
Image Source: Stuart Ayres
4. Niall Blair MP (National Party)
Niall and Stuart aren’t cooked units per se, just their politics are, which I suppose is worse. If we cast our minds back a month there was a huge uproar over the dying fish in the Murray Darling Basin due to the whole cotton farming issues etc. etc. That was this man’s fault and he’s done nothing to address the situation.
Image Source: Niall Blair
3. Rev. Fred Nile MP (Christian Democratic Party)
Now we’re back to actually munted people. Fred Nile is our longest serving State MP, and that includes a failed bid to run for the Federal Senate. Fred is an outspoken man, who claimed that homosexuality is a mental illness, advocates for religious freedoms except for Muslims (tried to ban the burqa and niqab) and Pagans (tried to ban their wedding rituals). Freddy is also one of those charming people who think that Safe Schools is linked to Nazism and Communism, which makes so much sense on so many levels.
Image Source: Fred Nile
2. Luke Foley MP (Labor)
This creep is still a member of parliament. That’s cooked. I liked it better when he was the leader of the opposition and not a single person knew who he was.
Image Source: Luke Foley
1. Gladys Berijiklian (Liberal)
The only thing more cooked than trying to spell her last name is trying to understand her politics. I’m not going to go into depth on this: all I can say is that she looks exactly like Gonzo from the Muppets, but instead of Jim Henson controlling her it’s James Packer and Rupert Murdoch.
Image Source: Gladys Berejiklian