PULP RANKED: 8 Things to Do When You Have a Spare 15 Minutes.

By Haydn Hickson

Do you ever do that thing where, it’s currently 6:37pm and you say to yourself, “Okay, I’ll start studying at 7:00pm”. Then, you check the clock again and it’s 7:08pm so you have to wait until 8:00pm before you even open a textbook, yeah same.

Because of this effective procrastination-tool, not only have I basically screwed myself-over every single time I have a mid-sem but, I have literally tried every pointless activity to pass the time.

Here’s a countdown of my personal fave.

8. Call That Friend You Haven’t Spoken To In Ages

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Sometimes a call to a friend is all you need to destress that anxious mind of yours! I know our generation is still shocked to know that our iPhones and Google Pixels actually have phone functions - but i am a big stan of mine. Speaking from experience, sometimes a quick call to a good friend is the perfect way to gain perspective that your assignment isn’t as hard as you’re making it out to be.

7.  Pluck Your Eyebrows / Floss / File Your Nails / Do A Face-Mask

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Some of you are regular flossers, and that’s great for you. This is for those who aren’t. If you, like me, don’t have flossing embedded into your regular schedules, make self-care breaks a habit while you study! You relax and look better! It’s a win-win sitch, binch!

6. Sell That Thing You Never Use


Do you have a piece of somewhat-valuable technology sitting around collecting dust? I knew it. If you have a spare 15mins, sell that bad boy on Gumtree or eBay or Facebook Marketplace because a) it does not spark joy b) it’s devaluing with every second you don’t touch it. So, sell that Gameboy Colour, that’s money that could be spent elsewhere!

5. Update your LinkedIn / CV

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Your time at uni is almost up, make sure you update your CV with all the opportunities you’ve taken advantage of at uni! There’s nothing like leaving the golden quadrangle with over 500 connections on that bad boy!

4. Cook a Meal

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Have you been eating at Courtyard everyday? Same. But, if you have a spare 15 minutes or so, I challenge you to pack your own lunch to eat at Courtyard. It’ll not only be healthier, but it’ll save you some cold hard cash!

3. Get the Best Price for That Thing You Like

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So, you’ve decided you really, really want to buy a vintage Spice Girls polaroid camera. Awesome! Now that you’ve got a spare 15 minutes, have a shop around online on all the various sites that sell the item to make sure you get the best price. Also, while your at it, definitely haggle if you’re using sites like Gumtree / Facebook Marketplace. The worst case scenario is they say no!

2. Masturbation


All I will say is, it clears headaches.

1. Enter a 25-words-or-less Competition

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This is my favourite thing to do ever. I highly recommend entering random 25-words-or-less competitions. It’s so fun. Through doing this, I have won movie tickets, the chance to attend an exclusive Meghan Trainor concert and DVD’s to name a few! It’s super duper easy and all it takes is a quick google!

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