Fran Williams
Achieving strong liminality is like landing a coin on its edge: a difficult feat but the effect is impossible to substitute.
symmetry uncanny.png. All credits: Fran Williams
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Fran Williams is a Painter based in Montreal who has recently completed her undergraduate degree in Studio Arts with a major in Painting & Drawing at Concordia University. Fran’s work deals with the liminal middle-space of the abstraction/figuration dichotomy. While she considers herself an abstract painter, her works often suggest letters or text without becoming readable language. Similarly, figures seem to appear but fail to coalesce into representational forms.
Achieving strong liminality is like landing a coin on its edge: a difficult feat but the effect is impossible to substitute. The pursuit of liminality is the main guiding aspiration in her work. She values the creation of art that can be misunderstood and likens the experience of such work to watching clouds, reclining on a lawn and comparing what we see.