Posts tagged art
Big bird blog (blog)

With our fingers progressively morphing into letter keys with every digital exchange encountered, there is also an opportunity and a drive to ‘opt out’, play, and discover new ways of approaching traditional formal constructs of design.”

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ArtLauren Maccollart, design, adobe
Magritte - Art Gallery of New South Wales

Both eerie and peaceful, the final room is shrouded in a velvety green amongst which his final paintings whisper rumours of Magritte's transformation. At this point, one cannot help but think back to the self-portrait that greeted them, now at odds with the viscerality of The happy donor and Man and the forest. 

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Ethos: a dialogue with Amy Blue at The Other Art Fair

“I think the things that inspire me the most are definitely music and movies, queer culture. They’re things that can give more — I suppose — broad levels of inspiration, not particular people if that makes sense. I think I’m inspired by the queer community — like I literally make my work for them, that’s where most of my inspiration comes from. Just like being out on a dancefloor or at a pub with close friends, that kind of thing.”

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Diana Costantini at The Other Art Fair: "My relationship with art is really just centred on my love to create."

My relationship with art is really just centred on my love to create. I always encourage my staff and creative team to do that as well. Yes, we do this for a living, but we’re also following a brief. So, I encourage them to try and create outside of the workplace because that’s where you can actually, really explore your own creativity. I just really love it.”

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