GOSS: CREAM on the verge of collapse as two members drop out

Words by Alexi Barnstone

Pulp would like to recognise that editor Madeline Ward has conflicted off all Honi coverage given that she is running on the Fit ticket.

MINT 2.0 

In what feels like an all too familiar drama for Pulp’s Haydn Hickson this year’s CREAM for Honi ticket has descended into chaos. The drama follows comments made by Mod Lib whip JP Baladi in the Catholic Society facebook group. 

Attempting to discredit millennials' fondness of socialism by claiming it to be a product of “being born after the fall of the Berlin Wall” (JP Baladi was born in 1999) wasn’t enough to collapse the CREAM members’ hopes that bipartisanship was not dead. But accusing Honi of spreading lies about convicted pedophile George Pell absolutely was. 

Austen Hunt and Emma Goldrick’s response has been quick and definitive. First, they provided other members of the ticket with an ultimatum; JP is out or they are. Leading the way the two passed a unanimous vote within the ticket to boot JP. Then, after a period of deliberation, both decided they can no longer associate themselves with the ticket. Following the precedent set by the Mint debacle, both Austen and Emma have decided to give up on their dream of being Honi Editors. Each have provided a statement which is included below:


My decision to join the CREAM for Honi ticket this year was predicated on two beliefs that I hold fundamental. Firstly, that objective reporting is paramount, and secondly, that progress is achieved by bringing everyone to the table for discussion. 

However, given recent events, I am pulling out of the CREAM for Honi ticket. The ticket can no longer represent my personal values and beliefs. I feel as though through my association with certain sentiments that other members have expressed, my own values are being misrepresented in the public eye. 

In light of recent events, I cannot stand idly by comments that I strongly condemn. 

Whilst I have the utmost respect for the other team members for removing the member which made such inexcusable remarks - I no longer feel as though I can continue in this campaign. 

I continue to believe in the values the team was founded on. In a time of ever increasing polarisation, bridging the gap between people of different political persuasions is of the utmost importance to me.  It is my belief that democracy, perspective and progress are built upon allowing everyone a voice and representing that voice fairly and accurately. Only from a contrast of opinion and rigorous debate can we move forward as a society. 

However, due to unforeseeable events, I can no longer associate myself with CREAM and am henceforth resigning my position to run for the editorship next year.


It brings me no pleasure to say that recent events have caused me to rethink my involvement in CREAM.

I am pulling out of the ticket on the basis that I feel my own ideals and beliefs were being brought into question by recent events. 

The post made, questioning the coverage of disgraced George Pell, reflected a callous disregard for the gravity of the crimes committed. 

An opinion which I fundamentally oppose and condemn. 
I originally joined the team in the hopes that it would uphold to its core values of objectivity and ensuring that all political persuasions are afforded a voice. In a time of waning bipartisanship, I sought to work with individuals across the political spectrum to show that it is possible to cooperate. I had hoped to be apart of something which established a paper that could trust in diverse opinion, and further discussion through debate. The recent comments that have been made have given me cause to step back. 

I have great respect for all the other members of CREAM that joined myself and Emma in condemning the comments made and taking swift action. Unfortunately, the actions of one member reflect poorly on us all, and I can no longer afford to be in CREAM. 

In alignment with my own values I feel I have had to withdraw my name and will no longer be running on CREAM for Honi.

The news comes at the worst time for CREAM. Voting opens today and members of CREAM must now decide if they are to attempt to power through with 7 or follow in the footsteps of Mint in 2017 and collapse the ticket entirely. Emma and Austen were the two most experienced writers on the ticket…. Without them, it seems a shoe in for Fit. 

Pulp Editors